How safe are the schools for our Children?

Schools have been mandated to put in place health and safety measures for learners’ protection and monitoring of compliance to safety protocols is ongoing. Call this toll free line for complaints and whistle blowing on safety issues: 07058890444.

What safety measures are available in schools to the spread of COVID-19?

OEQA has supported schools to put in place necessary preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19 as contained in the released School Reopening Guidelines by the Federal and Lagos State Government.

What can I do if my child has difficulty adjusting to new routine and recommendations i.e. wearing face mask, keeping social distance etc.

Parents and Teachers are advised to orientate their children continuously on the importance of adhering to the recommended safety measures.

What additional steps should Families that have a child with an underlining medical condition take?

Parents are advised to inform the school, seek medical advice, and adopt alternative learning facilities.

WhaCan private school charge school fees for 3rd Term?

No, since there is no 3rd Term. However fees can be charged based on services rendered by the school at this time

What will be the criteria for promotion of students if the school will not open for 3rd Term?

Schools must use the cumulative Continuous Assessment scores of learners from 1st term till 5th April 2020 to decide promotion of learners to the next class.

Must my child attend online classes organised by the school?

Online learning is not compulsory to any child in the school.

Where can I lodge my complaint about a school?

Please send your complaint to the Director General, Office of Education Quality Assurance on [email protected].

Must every child attend revision classes as schools reopen?

No. Revision school is optional.


Lagos State Government has announced the return of SSS3 and Technical College 3 students to school. When will other learners in Secondary and Primary Schools resume?

The Government will announce the date for reopening of other classes depending on the report of COVID-19 infection in the State.

Senior School Certificate Examinations are due to commence on 17th August 2020. When will Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) hold?

Schools have reopened for WAEC and NECO organised BECE only. However, the date for BECE organised by the Lagos State Examinations Board (LSEB) will be announced in due course.

Where do we register to take clearance for school reopening?

How soon do we get the clearance of school reopening?

As soon as the school completes the reopening process and communicates her report online to OEQA.

Can we reopen schools for SSS3 students before obtaining clearance?

Yes. Schools can reopen but must register to obtain clearance.

What category of schools does the registration process apply to?

Public Schools, Approved and Unapproved Private schools and Vocational Centres below tertiary level.

How do we get the self-assessment form and checklist for school reopening?

How do we get the Lagos State Government guidelines for school reopening?

What happens to 3rd term session in schools?

No 3rd term again. 1st and 2nd Term Reports will be used for promotion of Pupils/Students to the next class.

Can Officers of the OEQA assist schools to register?

No. The registration process is quite simple to handle by any school.However, OEQA EMIS officers can guide schools through the registration process.

If schools face difficulty in the reopening registration what should they do?

Please call 08081221848 OR send WhatsApp message to: 08027573950

Will the Lagos State Government help Private schools to fumigate their schools?

No. Each school should make an arrangement for the fumigation of her facilities.

What brand of sanitizer is approved by the Lagos State Government?

Any brand of sanitiser with 70-90% alcohol-base

Are visitors allowed within the school premises?

It is advised that visitors should not be allowed into the school premises at this time.

How can the school identify OEQA officers?

The OEQA Officers will be identified by ID card and customised personal protective equipment like face mask/shield.

How do we identify students or teachers with symptoms of COVID-I9 infection?

See publications on symptoms of coronavirus published on the OEQA website and circulated among all schools in Lagos State.

Are OEQA officers the only officers of the Government that can visit schools during school re-opening?

No. Other government agencies like Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Safety Commission and Local Government can visit schools at this time.

How will school and other stakeholders know what is happening around the state about the reopening?

OEQA will communicate through and other available media to all stakeholders.

Are schools expected to have isolation rooms for suspected cases of COVID-19?


What can the school do if any learner falls sick before, during or after examination?

The learner should be evacuated to the isolation room, the parents should be informed and any of the following emergency numbers as indicated on the NCDC website can be called: 08023169485; 08033565529; 08052817243; 08028971864; 08059758886; 08035387653; 08000CORONA

Is it compulsory for all JSS3 and SS3 students to be accommodated in the boarding house for their safety during their final examinations?

Boarding is NOT compulsory for any student on school reopening. Parents have the right to choose whichever arrangement for learning suits their pockets at this time.

Can the school use personal email address of the Principal for correspondences

No, it is not allowed. The school’s email is preferable but should be active with known password for regular accessibility.

How often should the school expect mail(s) from OEQA ?

As regularly as OEQA is in partnership with the school

Is the one hour online training for specific staff or every individual; teacher in the school?

Every school is advised to involve all their teachers in the one-hour training to add value to their services in the school.

Will the school online registration be updated annually ?

No. The online registration is informed by school reopening because of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

Can the school use the sick bay as designated isolation room?

No. the sick bay should stand alone to take care of other cases different from suspected COVID-19 related issues.

I have more questions. Where can I direct my requests and questions on issues affecting schooling during this period of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown?

Use any of the following help lines as may be applicable Phone call: 08081221848; 08023405727 Text messages: 08026054664 WhatsApp messages: 08027573950. Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]