The Office of Education Quality Assurance is requesting your opinion and recommendations on possible measures/ intervention that can be adopted to ensure continuity in academic learning during the current lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CLICK HERE TO FILL COMPLETE THE SURVEY.
The directive of the President of Nigeria on the restriction of movement in Lagos State to curb the spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) took effect at 11 pm on Monday 30th of March 2020. CLICK HERE TO FILL COMPLETE THE SURVEY.
LAGOS STATE DOMESTIC SEXUAL AND VIOLENCE RESPONSE TEAM DSVRT is a collection of professional service providers and officials that respond as a group and in a timely fashion to the various needs of domestic and sexual violence survivors by providing legal, medical, emergency assistance, Counselling, and psychological and psychosocial support… READ MORE
The Office of Education Quality Assurance is conducting an online survey to determine the current Awareness, Perception, and Preparedness of School Owners, Principals, and Head Teachers during this CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) outbreak. Kindly help to complete the online survey form. We assure you of your anonymity and confidentiality. Also, help to spread this form amongst other School owners,[…]
NOTE: The statistics here were updated on March 20. More than 120 countries in every corner of the world have shut down schools and universities or are planning to close them to slow the spread of coronavirus. The United Nations said 124 countries have nationwide closures and others have localised shutdowns that together have impacted more than[…]
Around 63 million primary and secondary teachers around the world are affected by school closures in 165 countries due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They are on the frontlines of the response to ensure that learning continues for nearly 1.5 billion students, a number that is predicted to rise. Everywhere, together with school leaders, they have been rapidly[…]
How can educational systems across the globe, and international donor-funded education projects, continue ongoing education for students amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic? The logical answer right now: distance education. Fortunately, most countries have some form of distance education technical infrastructure, which they can immediately use to provide ongoing educational opportunities. This post examines the four most common[…]
In the 1950s, psychologists Jacob Kounin and Paul Gump discovered a curious side effect of discipline: If a student was being disruptive and the teacher responded with strict disciplinary measures, the student might stop—but other students would start exhibiting the same misbehavior. Kounin and Gump called this the “ripple effect,” and it demonstrated that efforts to control[…]
A lot of the discussion, and rightly so, has been about the effect of school closures on students. Education, as they know it, stopped from one day to the next. But what about teachers? Just as students are new to distance learning, most teachers are also novices in being distance coaches. We look at the pressure placed[…]
In furtherance of ensuring compliance with the State’s government directives that all schools should shut down activities so as to curtail the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19), the Office of Education Quality Assurance (OEQA) has embarked on compliance monitoring exercise to schools across the State. Addressing newsmen during the exercise, the Director General, OEQA, Mrs. Abiola Seriki Ayeni[…]